Science is Elemental is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that aims to improve science education, particularly for those students who do not (yet!) show interest or aptitude in the sciences. All children are scientists and we as a society need to nurture those abilities early and for all children, not just those expressing interest or aptitude. We need to do so because a solid grounding in the sciences is necessary to understand our modern, complex world, and to make decisions as citizens.
Founder, Ann Miller
Ann Miller is currently the Executive Director at Science is Elemental, a science education 501C3 nonprofit. She is also the principal at A. Miller Analysis and Consulting LLC and a board member at the Montgomery County Coalition for Adult Literacy (MCAEL). Ann worked as a Senior Research Scientist at CNA, a not-for-profit research and analysis organization from 1993-2021. Her work focused on analysis of training, education, readiness, logistics, and technology and has led numerous projects for the Navy and Marine Corps. Through CNA, she also provided technical support and analysis to the West Virginia Department of Education from 2007-2009. In her work with Science is Elemental, Ann has interacted, either through consultation, teaching, or both, with several educational institutions. These include: The Springwell School in Silver Spring, MD, ArtPlayLearn, in Bowie, Maryland, and the Holland Brook Elementary School in Readington, NJ. She has developed integrated science/sports/art/music lessons and provided those lessons in school settings. In addition to her board work and founding Science is Elemental, Ann’s experience with non-profit charitable organizations includes five Compass Pro Bono projects (2020-present), three Taproot projects (2020-2022), and providing analytic support to the Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann (CCE) Music and Dance Week (2015-2021). She uses her analytic capabilities to support decision making, staffing considerations, survey development, data collection and analysis. For over twenty years, Ann has been involved as tutor, mentor, and coordinator of tutoring/mentoring activities for elementary school students. She is continuing that involvement, including older students, with BeaMentor.org and BookNooklearning.com Ann received her Ph.D. in chemistry from the California Institute of Technology, and her B.A. in chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania
Contact: ann.miller@scienceiselemental