AACR's mission is to improve the overall quality of life for African Americans throughout Howard County. To fulfill this mission, the AACR is focused on ensuring that families are connected to critical resources that ultimately empower residents and encourage social and economic well-being. The AACR facilitates discussions and initiatives with the goal of increasing access to opportunities for African-American families and help them gain full participation in the broader community. The African American Community Roundtable (AACR) is a unified organization that positively impacts holistic and innovative change within the African American Community. It is organized exclusively for community empowerment and advocacy of African Americans in Howard County, Marylan

Tracy Pugh, 2nd VP, Membership
Tracy is an innovative marketing leader with deep transferable experience in and understanding of highly regulated industries, including pharmaceutical, medical devices, healthcare, and technology. Earned reputation for product management excellence – leading programs and delivering on critical business and revenue goals. Expertise in defining brand, product, and services strategy
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